Convenient hours
Suited to every day workers and commuters!
Rubber Flooring
Safe and comfortable for extended play
Organized Facility
Safe for varied sized and aged dogs to be grouped
Maintains an environment the dog is used to.
Fun / Stress Relief
Dog is excited about coming and tired after a long day of exercise and play
Trained Staff
Ensures safety for the pets while playing
Personal Attention
Home-like environment

Dog Day Care in RI | The Best Dog Day Care Service in RI | Doggy Daycare Center Near Me
Friends of Toto’s doggie day care programs benefit dog owners who have busy lives and are not able to socialize and exercise their dogs as much as they want to.
Have peace of mind knowing that your dog is in good hands in our clean, safe comfortable, and fun environment!
Doggie day care is certainly a healthy and enjoyable option as it provides the best of both worlds for dogs and owners alike. As a dog owner, you will enjoy peace of mind knowing that your dog is safe in the hands of professional staff members.
The following are reasons to choose Friends of Toto doggie day care facility:
1. Exercise
Just like human beings, your dog requires regular exercise during play times to keep it fit both physically and mentally. Friends of Toto’s staff members are well trained to provide different dog breeds with the safest outlet for releasing excess energy and keeping them in shape! Our rubber flooring ensures that your canine has extra protection on their joints and pads while they’re getting this exercise. In addition, our top-notch HVAC system guarantees there’ll be no over-heating or freezing . . . regardless of the weather outside.
2. Socialization
Dogs are sociable animals. Friends of Toto day care center exposes your dog to new environments, experiences, people and other dogs. This provides it with an opportunity to interact with other dogs in the right conditions. While at the facility, your dog will be provided with toys during playtime. This is especially important for the puppies. Socialization is an important part of training your dog to live in a human world. Moreover, your dog enjoys frequent human contact as the staff members play with her or him.
3. Relief from Boredom
The dog day care center ensures your dog is mentally stimulated through interaction with other dogs and the day care’s staff. This helps to keep a dog’s brain active as there are many things the dog can engage in all day. This interaction prevents boredom.
When choosing a doggie day care center, it’s important to look at a few things such as cleanliness, experience of the staff members, food service, and liability insurance, among others.