Animal Shelter Appreciation Week! 11/6 – 11/12

 In Friends of Toto Blog


This coming week is animal shelter appreciation week.  According to the American Humane Society, did you know. . . .

  • Over 5,000,000 companion animals enter into shelters each year.  5,000,000!
  • 3,500,000 of these animals are euthanized each year.
  • It costs over $2 billion to maintain the over 5,000 shelters we have across the country.
  • There are over 100 animal shelters in the Rhode Island area!

I think it must be a very difficult job to work in an animal shelter knowing that roughly 25% of those in your care are going to be adopted.  Those are definitely special people and they certainly have my appreciation.  The City of Pawtucket shelter ( is always advertising new pets coming into their possession.  Please, if you’re considering getting a new furry family member, consider checking out the local animal shelter.  Show some love this week by checking out their various social media connections and “liking” them so you can follow the various events they have going on!


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