Change A Pet’s Life Day!


January 24, 2020:  We celebrate “Change A Pet’s Life Day!”


Anyone that has a pet can talk in volumes about how that pet changed their lives.  Sometimes the story is cringe-worthy (e.g. “that time fluffy shredded my grandmother’s priceless quilt”).  Sometimes the story is heroic (e.g. “that time Spot woke me and my family up because there was a fire in the house”).  Sometimes the story is comforting (e.g. that time Bruno stayed by my side when I was grieving).  For myself, I know I could talk about it forever!

Still, I try to remember that for each of my “kids” – I changed their lives too.  Most of mine were rescue pups.  I make a positive affirmation each day to do all I can to make sure their worst days are behind them.  To dote and love on them so they never have to live that sorrow again.

The truth is, we don’t have to do too much to positively change a pet’s life.  Being present when a dog is scared and doing nothing but just sitting quietly in the same room can be monumentally helpful.  I wonder how many shelter dogs would love the company of a quiet petting session once and a while.  Donating your time to shelter and rescue organizations (shameless plug for the Pawtucket Animal Shelter [] or the Save One Soul Animal Rescue League []) can readily change a pet’s life.

An even more shameless plug:  Bring your dog to a day of daycare once a week or so!  Friends of Toto is always looking to broaden our “friend” network!  The social and health benefits will be a big plus for your four legged friend too!

Maybe you know a lot of people on your social media networks?  Consider posting pics of adoptable dogs from these organizations to help get the word out that someone needs a home.

Of course, those with extra change should consider donating to these causes.  I know, at least in the case of the Save One Soul group, it’s not cheap to run to our Southern states and bring back as many dogs as they can save to find homes up here.  Once there here, the dogs need to be fed, get medical attention, and get all the love and support they can before their “forever” family arrives.

In the end, it’s a good idea to remember that despite the incredible impact these critters have on our lives, we’re in a position to change their lives too!  Give it some thought and inspire us!  How will you change a pet’s life today?

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